Articles By Hal

Mom Was Right When She Said, "Always Be Nice"
First impressions set tone for your business
At Your Service
By Hal Becker
Remember when your mom always told you to make a good first
impression because it could last forever? Well, as usual, mom was right.
I keep saying to myself why do I have to write these
articles on customer service, and tell people how to be nice to one another? I mean, next
year is 2000; shouldnt we be getting this right by now?
Lets talk about first impressions, or the lack of, or
the really bad ones. Lets start with the phone. Arent you all getting annoyed
with voice mail? And when you try to get to the operator, hit 0 and get a recording:
Im sorry, that is not a recognized number. Now youre in the
voice-mail Bermuda Triangle of Hell with no way to return. If you do get out, you probably
have to hang up and try all over again.
Ill just make this real simple (I know some of you
are now going to get mad at me). All the world-class companies have a receptionist to
answer their phones. Let me repeat: the best do this. And why? Because the receptionist is
the most important person in a company. They set the tone. A real, live person means real,
live customer service, period. If you dont believe me call Ritz Carlton, Nordstrom,
Southwest Airlines, Lexus, etc. and you will hear a wonderful person with a great attitude
answer the phone, which leaves a good impression.
If you are not the receptionist and just have a phone in
your office, be nice and listen to people and let them finish the sentence. Oh yeah, smile
too, because people can feel that ray of sunshine on the other end.
Phone donts:
- Dont replace your receptionist.
- Dont be quick or abrupt.
- Dont talk with your mouth full (another mom-ism).
Phone dos:
- Do be nice.
- Do smile on the phone.
- Do listen more and talk less.
- Do say thank you.
- Do laugh and have fun remember, 70 percent of your
waking moments are spent at work, so enjoy them.
Everywhere we go, we have people making lousy first
impressions which cause us to think of either not going back to that place, or of telling
other people how bad the experience was. An example of this is when you go into a
restaurant and you can tell right away if the service is going to be good or awful. Your
first impression starts with how long you wait to be seated and how long it takes a server
to come over to your table. If they smile, are nice, attentive and sincere, thats a
good start and makes me pretty happy. You could have the greatest food and if the service
is bad, you still wont go back. Service and impressions are everything!
It is much easier to be nice to people and put yourself in
their shoes. How do they feel? Do they like being ignored? Are they getting impatient? Do
they want someone to at least acknowledge their presence? I think youre getting the
People donts:
- Dont ignore; at least tell people youll be right
- Dont worry about yourself put the customer
- Dont be moody; the customer wants someone in a good
People dos:
- Do be enthusiastic people love to be around
up people.
- Do be nice. This is easy to say and sometimes hard to do.
- Do what you say. If you tell someone youll be back in
five minutes, better make it five minutes.
- Do have fun. Your day goes faster, your co-workers will
enjoy being around you and so will your customers.
Remember: Customer service is and will always be an
attitude. And youre only as good as your worst employee. People remember the bad a
lot more than they remember the good.
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