Service With A Smile
Hal Becker needed a gift. So he walked into a store,
quickly found his purchase and then stood in line to check out and waited . . and waited.
There was only one clerk at the counter and two floating around the floor,
Becker says. "I asked one of the other two working at Veronicas
Drawers if she could ring me up. She said no; neither of them were trained on the
His experience at the well-known store is just
one of 50 stultifying stories Becker, 44, shares in his latest book about customer
service, Lip Service: Calamities, Catastrophes, and Other Curiosities of Customer
Service. Its the Solon residents follow-up to his national best seller
about effective salesman-ship, Can I Have Five Minutes of Your Time?
But the author and sales trainer - who also makes some 170
presentations a year throughout the country to companies including IBM, Disney, KeyCorp
and American Greetings - says he did not write Lip Service to portray the
service industry in a negative way. The key to this book is to laugh a little, have
some fun reading . . . and then ask yourself, What insight does this give me?" he
writes in the introduction.
The former number-one salesman for Xerox says some keys to
good customer service include training, ongoing training and a positive attitude.
Sound like common sense? Becker says it is, but people forget they must take ownership and
be proactive, not reactive. Managers should act as a coach, he says.
Most companies dont understand that philosophy. He does stipulate,
however, that enthusiasm cant be taught, but it can be constantly
In addition to pointing out the mistakes companies make,
Beckers book gives equal time to What Should Be Done. For instance, in
the above example, he suggests that the company simply cross-train its sales force so that
all employees know how to use the cash register.
Becker takes that approach one step further with the last
third of the book; his top 10 list of the best companies. Among them: Walt Disney World,
Lexus, L.L. Bean and Northeast Ohios own Mueller Tire ("If Mueller Tire finds a
nail when rotating your tires, they fix it for free). His favorite, though, is
Southwest Airlines, because they have fun doing their jobs.
Speaking of humor, although readers wont find the
actual names of companies Becker targets in Lip Service, its fun to
guess. Printos, for example, inspired him to write the book when its
employee gave him a 130 a.m. Sunday wake-up call he wont forget.
OfficeStuff all but told him to stuff it. And Lending-A-Ton Bank
gave him a run for his money more than once.
But we cant resist playing devils advocate:
What about just plain nasty customers? People often ask me, Isnt the
customer always right? he says. I tell them, No, theyre
almost always wrong. But theyre always in charge. The best companies know
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