Super-salesman Hal Becker pitches our town: My Cleveland
By Grant Segall, The Plain Dealer
Solon's Hal Becker writes best-sellers about salesmanship and teaches it to top businesses worldwide. His website lists his price as $10,500 per day plus expenses, but promises a "substantial discount" within 100 miles of Cleveland.
Why the discount?
With all the travel, I love to come home. I've cut back big time, from 100,000 miles a year to 25,000, 30,000. Today I'm speaking to Fifth Third at the Marriott East on Harvard.
This is home. You feel so comfortable here. I've got lifelong friends here from kindergarten, second grade, 15 or 20 of them.
What about our weather?
I love it here eight, nine months a year. By April, I'm ready to cut my wrists just to see color.
But I love the change of seasons. The fall's so beautiful, I'll drive to Chagrin to 271 to 71 and back just to see the leaves.

Solon's Hal Becker writes best-sellers about salesmanship and teaches it to top businesses worldwide. His website lists his price as $10,500 per day plus expenses, but promises a "substantial discount" within 100 miles of Cleveland.
Why the discount?
With all the travel, I love to come home. I've cut back big time, from 100,000 miles a year to 25,000, 30,000. Today I'm speaking to Fifth Third at the Marriott East on Harvard.
This is home. You feel so comfortable here. I've got lifelong friends here from kindergarten, second grade, 15 or 20 of them.
What about our weather?
I love it here eight, nine months a year. By April, I'm ready to cut my wrists just to see color.
But I love the change of seasons. The fall's so beautiful, I'll drive to Chagrin to 271 to 71 and back just to see the leaves.
When the virgin snow comes, it's gorgeous. We hike in the woods and see stuff you wouldn't see when the leaves are up. We go to Shaker Heights and look in windows we couldn't see into before.
What other city has the Metroparks 10 minutes from anywhere? I used to own a powered parachute. I got to see all the topography. Now I ride a Vespa scooter.
What else makes Cleveland Cleveland?
We're a much tighter city than anywhere else. A guy's mom from Shaker was saying, "My kids live out of town." The son goes, "I live in Medina."
In Cleveland, you ask two questions: east or west, and where'd you go to high school?
Now that you mention it, where'd you go to high school?
Heights High with Steve LaTourette.
Tell us about your dad, Joe.
He was a bookie. He used to tell me stories about Shondor Birns and Cleveland's betting scene.
When I was born, he went straight and became a used-car dealer at 81st and Euclid. He taught me honesty. When people would complain about a car, he'd say, "Do you want your money back?"
How'd your career begin?
I went to work for Xerox. The first year, I'm the No. 1 salesman in the country. They wanted to promote me, but I wasn't leaving Cleveland.
I started my own company, Direct Opinions, surveying customers. I sold it. I've been an author and consultant full-time since '91.
Who are some of your clients?
United Airlines, Medical Mutual, Laird Plastics, Deutsche Bank... I was the only speaker this year at Sears' annual meeting besides Colin Powell.
Do salespeople really need much training?
Most are terrible. It's a profession of amateurs.
Most sales directors are coaches who never go to the practices or the games. They sit in the office looking at the Excel spreadsheets.
What do you teach them?
The biggest tools are asking questions and shutting up. Letting the customer talk. Not selling them but finding out what they want. Putting the customer first, not the sale.
I can't believe I get paid to teach that stuff. It's just common sense.
How's the turbulence of the airline business affect you?
I have no confidence in flying anymore. They could cancel your flight, and who'd know why?
United's service is great. It's just that we have fewer options.
But I've never missed a seminar in 31 years. You can't.
Tell us about your family.
My wife's Holly We have a daughter, Nicole, a senior at OSU.
You've done a lot of civic and charity work. Tell us about your fight against cancer.
At 28, I was diagnosed with terminal cancer. I later started a cancer hotline in Cleveland. We'd match people up with others who'd had cancer. It morphed into a foundation. We support The Gathering Place and other programs.
What about your largesse with shampoo?
Before 9-11, I collected thousands and thousands of shampoos from hotels. I donated them all to women's shelters in Cleveland.
When in town, where do you like to eat?
I love simple, local, fun places. The Happy Dog when we get the passport to the West Side. Tommy's on Coventry. Geraci's pizza. My father's sister married a Geraci.
What do you do for fun?
My band, The Backtraxx Band, plays almost every weekend in Geneva at the wineries. I'm the drummer.
People try to stay in their own little area, but we have so many nuggets all over town. What a well-kept secret Geneva is! It's the most fun place to play.
Other hobbies?
Golf. You can't believe you're playing this cheap here: $26. Grantwood's in fabulous shape. They treat you with incredible customer service.
Where do you take visitors?
Down North Park or South Park or Fairmount. The homes are unbelievable. I was in Dallas, in a real exclusive area, but it was more compact. Ours just don't stop with the wealth and the gorgeous homes.
Click here for more articles about Hal.